Wednesday, August 24, 2016

:: 2016 - FBL Pre-Tournament Update ::

Well, the playoffs are coming up this weekend and with it, the whole craziness that surrounds it. 

1. Manager's Meeting: was held Tuesday Aug 23, 2016. 
2. Schedule reviewed and finalized by all managers; it is posted in regular and mobile format (see menu)
3. Field Prep: each team is required to have a representative at the field on Friday evening starting at 630p. Please show up - even if you haven't been contacted - many hands make light work and it would be good for other people to see what goes on when they're not at the field. 
4. Games start at 9am sharp each day. Set up / Pick Up of equipment begins at 8am sharp each day.
5. Before warming up, please ensure that the concession stand is set up properly and completely. 

A few special notes:
- Coffee (free) will be available each day (limited supply) along with creamers/milkers/sugar; if you want to fancify your coffee, bring the fanciness with you.
- Ceasars (not free) will be available each day (limited supply)

If you have any questions, please contact your manager. 

Tournament Schedules
Schedule (desktop)
Schedule (desktop Internet Explorer)
Schedule (mobile)