The Oakwyn Raiders.
The Raiders have an FBL connection as their manager is a former player in the league (team G Sport from 2008-2012 I believe). They are eager to join in on the fun and we welcome them with open arms.
Take a minute when you're at the field and introduce yourself and make them feel warm and welcomed. We can unleash the controversies on them at a later date!
Don't forget to download the GameOn Mobile app. See the "Game On - How To" page for installation and configuration instructions.
The schedule has been posted there for the upcoming 2018 season.
Managers will be updating scores using the App.
Standings will be maintained in the app.
Announcements will be made in the app.
So, get informed and stay up to date - get the app!
GameOn App Download Links:

SPECIAL NOTE: In case you didn't notice when looking at the schedule, the first two weeks of the season are at an alternative field until our regular FBL is finished (May 1, 2018 is the tentative "ready date"). For weeks 1 & 2, we will be playing at FBL Prince Of Wales (near 32nd/Yew). You can Google Map search "FBL Prince of Wales".
Follow @fblsoftball