For the league, just a few updates:
- Weeks 1 and 2 are happening at Prince of Wales field. Don't forget! It's basically at 32nd / Yew.
- Don't forget to download the GameOn Mobile app. See the "Game On - How To" page for installation and configuration instructions.
- No bathrooms this year will be set up although some toiletries will be made available for the ladies. Men - be discreet. For weeks 1 and 2, the Chevron is nearby for any "emergencies". When at the regular FBL field, the Tim Horton's is a 3 minute drive with parking for "emergencies".
- Bats are still available for sale - 2 x 30oz bats from last season are available at $75 a bat. From the 2016 Season, there remains 2 x 28oz and 1 x 30oz available for $40 a bat. Contact House for more info.
- Our teams logos are on display (with the exception of the Aces and Dawgs who don't technically have one). Kudos to Silk for thinking outside the box and sending the Nads jersey shot for their logo. Now that they are in possession of the league, we can use the logos to make our stories a little more multimedia friendly.
- For those planning ahead - the League will be shut down the following dates:
May 20th, July 1st, July 15th, August 5th - The Year End Tournament is scheduled for August 25-26th
- The Sexpos are this year's Banquet hosts. Details on the banquet will be out in August.
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