Monday, June 26, 2017

:: 2017 - Week 9 ::

Well week 9 started slow. Heat, delays, forfeits and more caused a slow and casual start to an otherwise beautiful day before we take our long weekend hiatus (we're back in action July 9th - and yes, we're at U-Hill for the rest of the year).

Game 1 started late, but the short staffed Franchise rattled off a 14-4 win after a hot start - leaping out to a 9-1 lead. Defense lead the way the game  rest of the way and they both struggled to amount much offence. With the win, the Franchise move to 5-6 and within a game of 6th. The Cannibals fall to 1-10 but lead the league in spirit without a doubt.

Game 2 was a forfeit as Seymour Results failed to field a team for the third time in three games and fourth overall. The Aces picked up the auto-win and moved to 8-4 and sit in a tie for second. Seymour falls to 2-10.

Game 3 showcased the Nads and Riddlers. Both teams looking to add a W on the record to keep pace with the league leaders resulted in a heated battle as the Nads busted out to a solid 8-1 lead, only to see the Riddlers claw their way back and eke out a 9-8 win. With the win, the Riddlers move to 8-5 on the year - currently sitting in 4th place, a half game out of second, while the Nads fall to 6-5 and sit in 6th place.

The mid-afternooner paired the Marvels and Dawgs under the brunt of the sun and heat. The Dawgs, with solid defense, paired with a few timely hits pulled out a sound 7-4 win and move into a 2nd place tie with the Aces, but ahead due to the head-to-head tiebreaker. The Marvels, victims of another close loss, fall to 3-8.

The finale paired the Sexpos and Skeleton Crew. Pitching was the name of the game here and both teams struggled to mount much offence., but with solid defense lending a hand. Leading 3-2 heading into the 7th, the Crew put up a 2-spot and held the Sexpos in the bottom half to close out s tight 5-2 battle. With the win, the Crew move to 10-1 on the year and sit in 1st place. With their second loss in a row, the Sexpos dropped to 5th.

Reminder to teams: please take home your garbage; bags on the fence are great, but as most people tend to leave them there and expect others to clean it up, we'll be removing them immediately going forward. Please just carry bags with you and you team and collect your own garbage and when you are full/done for the day, dispose of your own bags of garbage/recycling. Do NOT expect that stuff to be cleaned up by others - you are adults and your mother isn't here to clean up after you. This is 3-4 weeks in a row this has been the case!