A few updates ahead of our first weekend of the season - hopefully some of these are repeats from communications from your manager.
1. Week 1 is being played at Prince of Wales South field (near 32nd/Yew) - street parking only.
2. We will continue at PoW South until further notice. We are awaiting updates from the VSB on the regular FBL field and it's availability. The rain is not helping.
3. Cozies/ Travel mugs for all drinks without exception. Repeat offenders will be asked to leave the premises until they acquire such an item or dispose of any libations.
4. Bring your own bags for garbage & recycling. Do NOT just put up a giant bag thinking others can use it to as these tend to get left there all day and the teams at the end of the day end up cleaning up and disposing of your garbage bag. If everyone looks after their own/own team - we'll have no issues! There are no garbage cans handy to the field, so take your garbage with you.
5. Warm up BEFORE your game starts. There's plenty of room to do so and this helps speed along the games and keep us on schedule.
6. Be mindful of the neighbourhood - we're not as private as we normally are at the FBL field or U-Hill, so mind you Ps and Qs, clean up, and be aware of your surroundings.
Let's go have fun and PLAY BALL!

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